Dev House Boston
Dev House Boston 2 .... registration now open.
Sunday June 24, 2007
10 am until 10 pm
Central Square
Cambridge, MA
Directions - Sign up to attend - Suggest a project - Email list
It was held on Dec. 9, 2006 at the offices of Permabit in Cambridge. Over 30 people turned out for DevHouseBoston1. Teams tackled a variety of cool projects, there was ample food, and people had fun. So we're doing it again in June and hopefully monthly thereafter. Join the email list to discuss and help.
About Dev House Boston
Dev House Boston is a fairly new event giving programmers and designers the opportunity to hack out something cool, in a day, and present it to lots of interested people. Inspired by Super Happy Dev House and Mash Pit, we aim to bring creative people together for one super-productive day. You can bring a team or find one. You can bring an idea or invent one. And at the end of the day -- whether you've got working code, page mockups, or just an elevator pitch -- you'll share your work with a group of people who know where you're coming from.
There will be free wifi and some BarCampBoston2 T-shirts (as long as you're the right size). Right now it will be dutch treat for lunch and dinner unless some "sponsor" throws in some cash.
- Register Yourself: Please register your name and skills on the people page.
- Announce a Project: If you already have a project idea, add it to the projects page and start recruiting other developers.
Date & Time
Sunday June 24 from 10am to 10pm. Proposed schedule:
- 10:00 - introductions, mingling, start projects
- 12:00 - lunch.. probably Pizza
- 19:00 - dinner..probably Chinese
- 20:00 - presentations begin, 5 minutes each
- 21:00 - drinks and mingling
- 22:00 - goodnight!
- Space provided by: Betahouse
- Pizza lunch sponsored by: nobody yet (Conversation Base LLC is good for $100 towards lunch]
- Dinner sponsored by: Renesys, $250 (Shimon Rura will bring the money)
- Caffeination provided by: Virosity, Inc.
- T-shirts provided by: BarCampBoston2 (you wear them or they're going to Honduras, shipping provided by Conversation Base LLC)
- One Case of Blue Moon Beer provided by: Mike Walsh
13 Magazine St.
Cambridge, MA
Mailing List
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